If Wisconsin ’s corn crop came in at about 50 bushels per acre on a good year, and our dairy farmers just milked their cull and sick cows after selling off their best milkers for hamburger – these would be huge stories today and this would not be accepted and tolerated.
Our ten million acres of privately owned timber grows at 25% of its potential in volume and value every year – because our forest owners have indeed sold off their good trees just leaving the cull trees to grow for the future! Just ask any forest owner – they know what really happens in the woods. Don’t ask a professional forester – they are so deep in the phony forestry, they won’t say a word of truth, but will likely spin a story of sustainable forestry that in reality only props up their job with little benefit to the forest or the timber grower.
The reason this problem persists is there has not been an alternative to the industrial forestry that has dominated the land for the last 150 years. Everyone makes the best of a bad situation as it has been better than nothing.
Now – there is a much better choice for everyone and the forest. There is a new way – just the opposite of what has been business as usual in the forest.